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Poem, Reflect

Re-Track and Reflect on Your Life Steps, Resort Girls

November 7, 2016

If We Could Re-track Our Steps

Would We Retract

From Some Paths?

Looking back

At Our Paths

Gives Us Time to Reflect

On Days Gone By

On Highs

On Lows

On Those

Who Go By

And Those

Who Stay

To Say

The Things

We Need to Hear

To Encourage Us and Ease Our Fears

Or Even Strengthen Our Souls

To Prepare Us for the Unknown

To Be Strong

And to Long

For the Best Life

With Less Strife

These Souls

Helped to Mold

Us to Hold

Up Against the Strong Tides

In Our Busy Lives

That We Might

Stay Strong and Fight

For the Best Life!

Reflect, Resort Girls and Guys, on what new paths you may choose to take to make the best life…